Monday, January 14, 2013

59,60 and 2 replacements.

These horses are endotherms(big idea 2 #13), meaning that they maintain their body heat by internal processes and metabolism, unlike ectotherms which gain heat energy from the enviroment. endotherms produce most of their heat from normal body functions done anyway to digest, replicate cells, and produce protiens in the cell. However, the body can carry out more than the normal amount of metabolic reactions of it is very cold and the body needs heating. Human body heat is 98.6 degrees F internally, with limbs ranging between 60 and 70 degrees. horses like these are closer to 101 degrees F internally and feet between 70 and 80.
we gather in mourning today to celebrate the life of these fine crabs, which by now have surely been boiled and eaten :( When boiled, tissues break down in a process known as denaturation(big idea 2#11). This is when protiens and lipids loose their structure and therefore function due to temp or acidity. This is one reason crab meat is so denatures when boiled and therefore looses much of the structure, strength, and toughness. denaturation is what causes enzymes in the digestive system to be active in the stomach but not in the small intestine and is used in many other parts of the body to stop protien functions. may we have a moment of silence for mr. and mrs. crab.... amen. (replacement for my other # 55)these grazing cows are an example of enzymes(big idea 2#15). When grazing, grass first enters the mouth and is exposed to salivary amylase, an ezyme used for the break down of sugars into a form they can be used by the body. food will later be exposed to pancreatic anylase after much of the cellulose has been broken down in the rumen. An enzyme is a complex macromolecule that is a catalyst. They are involved in every reaction in the body from digestion in the mouth when eating some tasty grass to the synthisis of DNA in a cell. (replacement for my # 53)This poor battered star fish with wounds from either predators or bashing against rocks is shockingly still alive and was moving(i threw it back in the water after the picture). As its legs moved to attempt to reach water, the organism consumed ATP(big idea 2#3). ATP is the molecule that organisms use to store energy and release it in a controled way when needed. It is used to create movement like in this star by acting on actin and myosin in muscle tissue.