Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Idea #3

Ethylene is released by plants to help them ripen. The release of ethylene causes more ethylene to be released causing positive feedback. These lemons had a little too much ethylene released causing them to spoil.
Different alleles can control the same trait like fur color. One allele may cause the pigment to be made and another to show up completely like this black cat.
Different alleles caused the pigment to not be put in as dark in some spots of fur like on this cat.
The roots from the pant above are constantly undergoing mitosis to make new cells exactly like the old ones and grow the roots.
The flowers on this plant are going through meiosis, to make gametes (half the chromosomes of original cell: sperm, egg) to allow for the reproduction of the plant.
These blackberries have a smart and efficient seed dispersal method. The seeds are incredible small so that they can be eaten and pass through the animals digestive track with no problems and then be dropped off in a bunch of fertilizer spreading the seeds.

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