Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Big Idea 2

#3 ATP: This plant through photosynthesis is creating ATP.

#4 Autotroph: This plant is an autotroph because it self nourishes, a producer.

#1 Adhesion of water: The water drop is being pulled down by gravity but because of its adhesion it sticks to the cup.

#6 carbohydrates: Bread is full of carbohydrates that are broken down as energy in the body. 

#10 Cohesion of Water: Water is stuck together through cohesion, because those molecules of water have a hydrogen bond.

#15 Enzyme: This a lactase enzyme that breaks down lactose, enzymes cause chemical reactions in the body.

#14 Entropy: Boiling water is an example of entropy, which is a measurement of disorder.

#16 Fermentation: This old orange juice has began to ferment, because the carbohydrates are changing to alcohol. 

#17 Glycogen: Muscle milk has protein which is glycogen, stores carbohydrates. 

#23 Hydrophilic: Chlorine is hydrophilic because it likes water.  

#28 Lactic Acid: Sour cream has lactic acid, which is part of lactic acid fermentation. 

#24 Hydrophobic: Olive Oil is hydrophobic because it doesn't mix with water. 

#29 Long-day plant: Spinach is a long day plant because it has to receive sunlight for a certain amount of time.

#31 Phospholipid: Milk contains phospholipids made out of fatty acids.

#30 Phloem: In this stem their is Phloem, the tissue that moves the nutrients.

#32 Saturated fat: Butter is made of mostly saturated fat, fat that is solid. 

#36 Transpiration: water is coming out of this plant in transpiration because it is part of the water cycle and its how it gets out the water.

#36 Stomata: This leaf has stomatas, little wholes in the leaf to let things out and in. 

#37 Unsaturated fat: sesame oil has unsaturated fat because its fat is liquid at room temperature. 

#38 Xylem: The roots sucking up the water is using the transport tissue xylem.

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