Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Had Problems w/ Instagram so I'm uploading it here. Big Idea 1: The Process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life

#2 - the webbed feet on this duck is an adaptation that allows the duck to swim. The webbed feet provide some extra speed when  it needs to swim to a destination quickly because it closes the gap between their 3 front toes.
#5- Looking at the duck only as a bird, its wings serve is a prime example of an analogous structure because  the structure of its wings reoccur in other species such as eagles, turkeys, etc.
#6- This lemon tree is an angiosperm because it is a flowering plant which means its seed is covered by a covering shell 
#4 - This egg laid by a chicken contains yolk so that it may nourish the developing organism. The egg shell serves as protection to the developing organism but Salmonella may grow in both the egg yolk and white. 

#10&#16- Shrimp is a great example of an arthropod because of its exoskeleton .  It also consists of jointed appendages as well with segmented coelomates

#12- The human body (the example is the hands) demonstrates bilateral symmetry because when you draw an imaginary vertical line, it has two identical yet oppisite halves.

#13- An example of a bryophate is moss because it does not consist of an  extensive tranport system and is also a nonvascular plant

#14&17-  Fish is an example of a chordate because the fish is bilaterally symmetrical and it belongs to  a clade of animals know as deuterostomia. This fish specifically belongs to Actinpterygii

#19- Eubacteria is easily found in yogurt and are single celled, complex organisms. Most eubacteria are helpful especially in the production of yogurt and other products but can be at times harmful.

mushrooms is an example of fungi, specifically a multicellular fungus because they consist of spore producing structures, hyphae, and reproductive structures which is its pores.

#22- Within every species occurs genetic variations. These two fruits are both pears but the have both originated from different locations and the skin of the pears are different colors

#23- This snake is a gnathostome due to their possession of their jaws.

#24-  This is a pine cone that originate from a pine tree. The pine tree produces cones which hold the seeds necessary for reproduction.

#25- These gymnosperm leaves are found on a pine tree, unlike leaves of other trees, these leaves do not fall during winter as shown in the picture. Most gymnosperm trees are evergreen and the leaves don't fall off until later than at least one season.
#28- This cactus' leaves are modified with spikes to keep other animals burrowing through the modified leaves and allowing water to escape.

#29-  This carrot is a modified root because it does not use a fibrous root system to obtain water from the ground. Instead, uses other methods of obtaining water. Carrots gain water by utilizing a taproot.

#30- This onion has a modified stem of a plant which is known as its bulb. The onion bulb is utilized for the storage of specific nutrients
#38- I know it is hard to see because of the camera quality but  if you look carefully, you can see some ferns. Ferns are seedless vascular plants and they are classified by their lack of seeds and seedless vascular plants consists of 2 clades. Ferns are apart of the Pterophye clade.
            #39- This giraffe in the picture is a tetrapod because of its two pairs of legs..

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