Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Big Idea 3

#2 Ethylene: This apple was sprayed with ethylene, which helped ripen the fruit. 

#11 GMO'S: Tomatoes were one of the first genetically modified organisms and its genetics were altered.  

#4 Double Fertilization: This flower is the outcome of one sperm uniting with an egg, which is double fertilization. 

#6 Haploid: The bacteria in this yogurt is haploid because it only has one set of chromosomes.

#15 Mitosis: This is happening in my blood cells, one cell goes through this process to create two cells. 

#17 Phenotype: This hair's phenotype is black hair because you can see it is black.

#19 Prokaryote: The bacteria in the swiss cheese is prokaryotic, the dna is not held inside a nuclear membrane. 

#21 Tropism: The pull from gravity has made the leaves on this plant start to fall making it a tropism, a stimulus made the plant move.

#20 Seed dispersal system: Coconuts are dropped into the water and taken to another land where the seed grows another palm tree, the seeds are dispersed through this system. 

#18 Pollinator: This bird pollinates all over by flying and the pollen goes everywhere making it a pollinator. 

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