Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes

#2- This tomato needs the hormone ethylene to initiate a climacteric ripening affect with the tomato

#3- this flow is an example of a eukaryote because it consists of a membranous nuclear envelope as well with membrane-bound organelles.

#7- These pears are evidence of difference alleles because both of these fruit occur in different parts of the world.  The pears at the left are D'Anjou Pears, the ones in the middles are Red Pears and the pears at the end at the right are Brown Asian Pears.

#9- This group of flamingos is an example of a flock. A flock usually consists of a group of birds that fly or migrate place to place during different seasons. Usually birds fly in a flock with the purpose of security in mind.

#10- This horse grazing on the grass is an example of an behavior because it is a hetertroph and must obtain its food by living on compounds produced by other organisms. In this case, the horse is living on compounds produced by the grass by ingesting it.

#11- This banana is an example of a genetically modified organism because it was known to be known to be wiped out by something called the Panama disease which is caused by certain fungi. In order to fend the fungi, bananas have been genetically modified to fend against the fungi but within each passing year, the fungi's resistance increased making it more lethal to bananas.

#13- This specie which is known as the legless lizard (Ophisaurus apodus).  It used to have legs but due to mutations throughout many generations, it eventually lost them. This animal represents batesian mimicry because it mimics the actual animal but it lacks the defenses of the animal.

#19- The salmonella within this amniotic egg is a prokaryote because it lacks a membrane-enclosed nucleus and membrane-enclosed organells

#20- This pine tree's seed dispersal method is by its pine cones which  the male cones release seeds and makes its way to the female cone during springtime when the leaves of the cone are open. After fertilization, the female cone closes, and sometimes may never open again.  

#21- This tree is an example of tropism because of its initial curve to northward with its branches extending upward, westward and eastward allowing maximum absorption of sunlight.

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