Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis

#1- This dropper is an example of adhesion of water because adhesion is the clinging of water to another substance. In this picture, a water droplet is clinging to the dropper. Adhesion is the attraction between different kinds of molecules.
#6- Soda is an example of a carbohydrate because this soda contains both sugars and the polymers of sugars. Soda is a simple carbohydrate which is composed of monosacchrides. A carbohydrate is a sugar or one of its dimers or polymers
#8- Grass contatins cellulose and the reason why humans are unable to digest grass is because we don't have the necessary bacteria to do so. The animals that are able to digest cellulose are cows and other grazing animals. Cellulose is a structural polysaccharide of cell walls
#9- Chitin is a structural polysaccharide and is by arthropods to make up their exoskeleton. Chitin is also found in many fungi such as mushrooms. The function of chitin in fungi is to make up their cell walls. Chitin is a structural polysaccharide of an amino sugar found in many fungi and in the exoskeletons of all arthropods
#10- This picture is an example of cohesion because hydrogens hold the substance together and in this photo, after the toothpick pierces through the water, it breaks through the water's surface tension with cohesion playing a role in surface tension. Cohesion is the binding together of like molecules, often by hydrogen bonds.
#11- This machine boils water and when you add a baby bottle and place the lid over the bottle, the boiling water heats up the bottle killing bacteria by denaturing the proteins and DNA within the bacteria allowing the baby bottle to be rid of bacteria allowing the milk to be safe to consume by the infant. Denaturation is a process in which a protein unravels and loses its native conformation
#12- A snake is an ectotherm because the snake gains its from its environment. This snake has a low metabolic rate that it is unable to adjust its own body temperature. An ectotherm is an anumal that must use environmental energy and behavioral adaptations to regulate its body temperature.
#13- This snake is an endotherm because it utilizes metabolic heat to regulate their own body temperature. An  endotherm is an animal that uses metabolic heat to regulate body temperature
#15- The milk in this picture contains enzymes. Enzymes normally regulate metabolism by acting as catalysts. An enzyme is a protein serving as a catalyst
#16- The Ponche Osborne is an alcholic beverage made by the fermentation of yeast. Fermentation involves the partial degradation of sugars that occurs without the use of oxygen.
#19- This gorilla is a prime example of a heterotroph because the gorilla is unable to produce their own organic material so they live on compounds made by other organisms by ingesting them. A heterotroph is an organism that obtains orgainc food molecules by eating other organisms or their by-products
#23- This kool-aid is hydrophilic to water because it is composed of sugars that easily create hydrogen bonds with water. A hydrophilic substance has an affinity to water.
#24- The oil floating over the water is a hydrophobic substance because the substances within the oil don't easily bond with the molecules in water. A hydrophobic substance has an aversion to water.
#29- This lettuce is an example of a long day plant because it generally flowers in late spring or early days are normally longer. A long day plant is a  plant that flowers only when the light period is longer than a critical length.
#30- The trunk of this tree is an example of a phloem because it distributes nutrients from the roots to the branches and then out the the leaves. Phloem is a vascular plant tissue consisting of living cells arranged into elongated tubes that transport sugar and other organic nutrients throughout the plant.
#32- Butter is an example of a saturated fat because at room temperature, the molecules are densely packed together and becomes solid at room temperature. A saturated fat are molecules densely packed together and becomes solid at room temperature.
#35- This dog is exerting territorial behavior when I approached the fence by barking and chasing at me to leave its territory. Territorial behavior is a behavior in which an animal defends a bounded physical space against enroachment by other individuals
#36- During a hot summer day, water vapor from the leaves of this tree will be lost due to the heat.  Transpiration is the evaporative loss of water from a plant.

#37- The canola oil is an example of an unsaturated fat because at the room temperature, the molecules aren't as densely packed allowing the oil to be solid at room temperature so it will be liquid at room temperature. An unsaturated fat are molecules that aren't as densely packed allowing the oil to be solid at room temperature so it will be liquid at room temperature

#38- This grapefruit tree has a xylem. The xylem in this tree transports most of the water and  nutrients throughout the whole tree. Xylem is vascular plant tissue consisting mainly of tubular dead cells that conduct most of the water and minerals upward from roots to the rest of the plant.

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