Monday, January 14, 2013

Big Idea 1

(Big idea 1, #24, 25) This is a gymnosperm cone and gymnosperm leaf. A gymnosperm is a plant that has unprotected seeds. The seeds are contained here in the cone. The seeds are not contained within a fruit or ovary. These are pine needles which are examples of gymnosperm leaves.

(Big idea 1, #22) This photo represents genetic variation. Genetic variation is when traits of the same species of organism are different from each other. As you can see in the photo, the giraffe on the left is lighter and the giraffe on the right is much darker. Also, the spot patterns are different. The one on the left has smaller spots that seem to be clustered. The one on the right seem to have larger, more spread out spots.

 (Big idea 1, #20) This is a photo of fungi. Fungi are a eukaryotic kingdom that consist of organisms that absorb nutrients after decomposing organic material. They are unable to perform photosynthesis so they get their energy from the decomposed material. These mushrooms are a type of fungus.

(Big idea 1, #4) This is a photo of an amniotic egg. What distinguishes an amniotic egg from other eggs is the formation of several membranes. This particular egg is an ostrich egg and the dried membrane can be seen under it.

(Big idea 1, #13) The moss in this photo is a bryophyte. A bryophyte is a non-vascular plant that reproduces via spores rather than flowers and seeds.

(Big idea 1, #27) This is a lichen growing on a tree brach. Lichens are slow growing green plants that are a mutualistic association between algae and fungus. They grow in a low, crust-like manner. Like in this photo, lichens normally grow on tree branches, rocks, and walls.

(Big idea 1, #38) This is a seedless vascular plant. A seedless vascular plant is a vascular plant that reproduces via spores instead of flowers and seeds. This particular seedless vascular plant is a fern.

(Big idea 1, # 19) This photo is an example of a eubacteria. A eubacteria is a "true bacteria." Eubacteria normally have simple cells with rigid cell walls. The eubacteria in this photo is a probiotic called VSL #3. It has bacteria in it that are beneficial to the gut region.

(Big idea 1, #23) This photo represents a gnathostome. A gnathostome is an organism with jaws. This is our bearded dragon, Spike, who is an organism that has jaws.

(Big idea 1, #12) This photo represents bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry is when an organism has a central vertical plane that divides the body, or wings in this instance, into two identical halves. The wings of this monarch butterfly show bilateral symmetry very well.

(Big idea 1, #21) This is a photo of a gastropod. A gastropod is a class of the phylum Mollusca. This picture of the snail represents gastropods because slugs and snails make up most of the class gastropoda. (Please ignore the dog's paw in the photo. He stepped into the frame and crushed the shell as I was taking the photo!)

(Big idea 1, #8) This is a photo of an arachnid. An arachnid is an arthropod from the class Arachnida. Arachnids are mostly spiders or scorpions like this tarantula pictured above.

(Big idea 1, #14) This is a photo of a few chordates. Chordates are organisms that at some point have a notochord. Fish like these coy fish are examples of a chordate.

(Big idea 1, #10) This photo represents and arthropod. An arthropod is an organism with an exoskeleton and a segmented body and jointed appendages. This specific arthropod is a centipede. You can kind of see the segments of the body where each set of legs are.

(Big idea 1, #29) This tree represents a modified root of a plant. A modified root of a plant is a root that must adapt to its own personal living condition. In this case, the roots of this tree are submerged under water in the pond. The roots had to adapt to be able to live under water and not kill the entire tree.

(Big idea 1, #40) This small collection of water represents a unicellular organism because there are amoeba living in the pond which are unicellular organisms. A unicellular organism is a living organism that is made up of only one cell.

(Big idea 1, #7) This is a picture of an annelid. An annelid is a segmented worm. This earthworm here was found in the dirt and is one kind of annelid.

(Big idea 1, #37) This is a picture that represents radial symmetry. Radial symmetry is when there is symmetry around a central axis. There are many equal parts extending out from the center of the starfish in this picture.

(Big idea 1, #6) This picture represents an angiosperm. An angiosperm is a flowering plant that forms seeds in a protective ovary. This white flower is an angiosperm because it is flowering and forms seeds in the protective chamber.

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