Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Idea 3

Big Idea 3

1, Diploid. this zebra represents diploid because it had a full set of chromosomes. its gametes are half the amount of chromosomes needed. 

3, Eukaryote. this lemur is a representation of a eukaryote because it is not a primitive organism. a eukaryote has cells that contain a nucleus with DNA in the form of chromosomes. 

5, Gametes. this monkey has gametes that it uses when reproducing. the gametes half half the number of chromosomes needed to make a full set. 

6, Haploid. this lion, although it is a diploid organism, has haploid gametes. the gametes only have half the required number of chromosomes, so the gametes are haploid. 

 8, evidence of different alleles. this is my friends eye. it is mainly blue and shows that a blue allele is present
8, evidence of different alleles. this is my friends eye. it is brown with blue flecks and represents a different allele
8, evidence of different alleles. this is my sisters eye. it is mainly brown and shows that a brown allele is present

9, Flock, herding, or schooling. these fish swimming together represent a school of fish. they are all swimming together and sticking together. 

15, Mitosis. this scab represents mitosis because the skin heals itself by creating duplicates of the skin cells nearby. when they are duplicated, they create an exact copy of itself originally. 

13, Mimicry (batesian). this gohpersnake represents batesian mimicry because it looks like a rattlesnake, so it scares off predators. 

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