Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Idea 2

(Big Idea 2 #1) Adhesion of water is the tendency of water to cling to a surface other than itself, like these water droplets clinging to the end of the leaves instead of dropping.

(Big Idea 2 #3) ATP(adenosine triphosphate) is a chemical compound used in many different cycles and is a source of energy. This plant had to use ATP to grow and to grow it’s berries.

(Big Idea 2 #4) An autotroph is a self feeding organism. This plant is an autotroph because it feeds itself through photosynthesis.

(Big Idea 2 #6) Carbohydrates are molecular compounds that contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Bread contains a high amount of carbs.

(Big Idea 2 #8) Cellulose is found in the cell wall of green plants and can be digested by cows. It would be found in grass like this.

(Big Idea 2 #9) Chitin is a polysaccharide that is found in many places and used for many things. It can be found in the outer skeleton of a crab.

(Big Idea 2 #10) Cohesion of water is the action of water clinging to similar molecules, which creates surface tension, seen by the ripples created by the leaf on water.

(Big Idea 2 #11) Denaturation is a change in molecules caused by extreme conditions, for example egg whites only become opaque at a high enough temperature.

(Big Idea 2 #12) An ectotherm is an organism that regulates its body temperature through heat exchange with its surroundings, such as a fish. 

(Big Idea 2 #13) An endotherm is an organism that regulates body heat internally, like this cat that has internal functions that generate heat.

(Big Idea 2 #16) Fermentation is the conversion of carbs to alcohol. In the case of beer, yeast is used to achieve this goal.

(Big Idea 2 #26) A kinesis is an environmental factor that causes a change in behavior in an animal, like the sun, (or in this picture, the reflection of it) makes humans hot and slow, and they behave differently.

 (Big Idea 2 #29) A long day plant is a plant that blooms after a long time in sunlight. Potatoes are long day plants that require a large amount of sunlight to grow. 

(Big Idea 2 #30) Phloem are a type of transport tissue in vascular plants. This leaf’s phloem are clearly visible.

(Big Idea 2 #32) Saturated fat is made up entirely by saturated fatty acids, and is solid at room temperature, like this butter.

(Big Idea 2 #33) Stomata are on the petals and leaves of plants and they regulate gases that go in and out. This cactus opens its stomata at night to reduce water loss in a desert environment.

(Big Idea 2 #34) A taxis is a positive or negative factor that will cause an animal to move towards or away from the area it is in, like chocolate will attract humans, or ants.

(Big Idea 2 #35) Territorial behavior is the behavior an animal uses to protect its territory, like this betta fish that has such strong territorial instincts that it can’t be put in the same tank as certain fish or it will attack.

(Big Idea 2 #36) Transpiration is the loss of water vapor, for example this frog transpires water vapor and carbon dioxide through its skin.

(Big Idea 2 #37) Unsaturated fat have kinks in their tails, and cannot pack tightly enough to become solid at room temperature, like this olive oil.

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