Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Idea 2

Adhesion of Water:
Water is attracted to other substances. It clings on to the straw in this picture. This is what keeps the water from just sliding off, instead it sticks to the surface.
Cohesion of Water:
Water is also attracted to itself. That is what makes the water into a drop. It sticks to itself and forms a bubble, by the water molecules clinging on to each other.
ATP or adenosine triphosphate, is the energy with what we run on. All our actions such as running, digesting food, and talking are powered by ATP. This plant symbolizes photosynthesis and the creation of sugars/ATP. (The sugars will be later used in animals for ATP)
An autotroph is an organism that uses photosynthesis and light reactions to create organic compounds. They are known as producers and it creates its own food. This plant is an autotroph because it is creating its own food through photosynthesis and light reactions.
Carbohydrates are organic compounds. They are made of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Rice is a carbohydrate due to it containing sugars and being made of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.
Cellulose is an organic compound. It is found in the cell wall of plants and also in grass, in the picture above. It is a common organic compound on Earth.
An ectotherm is an organism that uses environmental sources to maintain body temperature. This lizard is a ectotherm. In the picture it is basking in the light.
An endotherm is an organism who has internal regulation of temperature. The lion is an endotherm because its body can regulate its internal temperature. (he was tired from all this regulating)
Fermentation is an anaerobic process to create ATP. Bread is a product of ethynol fermentation. This fermentation causes the dough to rise.
Being hydrophilic means that the substance is attracted to water. The salt dissolves within the water due it being hydrophilic.
To be hydrophobic is to not like or be attracted to water. The oil is not dissolving within the water. It is trying to keep the least amount of contact with the water due to it being hydrophobic.
The stomata is an opening found on a leaf for exchanging of water and gases. The leaf in the picture has many stomata, due to it being an essential part of the leaf for photosynthesis.
Saturated Fat:
Saturated fat is fat that is made of saturated fatty acids. It does not have a double bond. The cream filling in most cookies, such as oreoes, contain saturated fats.
Unsaturated Fats:
Unsaturated fats are fats that have a double bond. Many nuts and oils, such as the pistachio in the picture, contain unsaturated fat.
Enzymes are catalysts that help in metabolic reactions. Most are made from proteins. Enzymes are in the egg whites.
Heterotrophs cannot produce their own food. They obtain food through eating producers or other heterotrophs. This snow leopard eats its prey for energy.
Lactic Acid:
Lactic Acid is a chemical compound. There is a type of Lactic Acid fermentation and it is used in various biochemical processes. Lactic Acid is present during the bacterial process of creating yogurt.
This is the innermost layer of vascular plants. It carries the nutrients and such through the plant. Asperagus has its innermost layer as a phloem.
Them xylem is another type of transport tissue. It is known as wood, but it located within the tree, not just on the bark.

Anabolic is a term used for building up. This building consumes energy. Garlic is an natural anabolic that is good for working out.
Long-Day Plant:
Long Day plants are plants that need daylight for longer than needed. This is when the flower. Peas are an example of Long day because they flower during longer periods of day.

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