Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Idea 2

1)adhesion of water: Adhesion of water happens when water sticks to something other than itself. In this picture, water is sticking to a leaf.

3) ATP: All living organisms use ATP to do everything. ATP is energy and energy is needed to perform actions. This bird is producing ATP at the moment.

4) autotroph: An autotroph is an organism that can make its own food. This bush is a plant so it can make food on its own.

5) Calvin cycle: All plants go through the Calvin cycle, which is a process that produces sugars and starch. This bush is a plant so it goes through the Calvin cycle.

6) carbohydrate: A carbohydrate is a way to store energy when consumed. Bread is a form of carbohydrate.

8) cellulose: Cellulose is the main part of cell walls. Humans can't digest cellulose. This orange tree contains cellulose.

10) cohesion: Cohesion is when water sticks to itself and the hydrogen bonds are stronger than other forces. This water in the turkey baster has gravity acting towards it but the hydrogen bonds holding it together are stronger.

11) denaturation: Denaturation is when something falls apart due to extreme conditions. For instance, a protein denatures in extreme heat. This picture is of an oven set to 495 degrees, which is very hot.

15) enzyme: An enzyme is a protein that acts as a catalyst. This saliva has enzymes in it. These enzymes are salivary amylases.

16) fermentation: Fermentation is the breaking down of a substance and creating something else. To make wine, sugar is converted to ethyl alcohol.

23) hydrophilic: When something is hydrophilic, it likes water and can mix with it easily. Salt is very hydrophilic. This is a picture of salt.

24) hydrophobic: When something is hydrophobic, it does not like water. Oil is very hydrophobic. This is a picture of olive oil on top of blue dyed water. The oil collects in the middle so the least amount of itself has to touch water.

28) lactic acid: Lactic acid accumulates in muscles after exercise because of a lack of oxygen. Yogurt contains lactic acid.

29) long day plant: A long day plant is a plant that does not require a long period of darkness. It needs a lot of sunlight because it produces energy for a big are of plant.

30) phloem: All plants have phloems, which are similar to veins but they transport sugars to plaves where it is needed. They are located in branches and leaves.

32) saturated fat: Saturated fat is bad for you because it is made of a chain of carbons and has a kink in it. This kink makes it easier to block arteries. Butter is an example of saturated fat.

33) stomata: Stomata are the small holes on the underside of leaves that let out oxygen. This leaf has stomates on it.

35) territorial behavior: This dog exemplifies territorial behavior by marking its territory by urinating. Dogs use the chemicals in their pee to mark territory.

37) unsaturated fat: Unsaturated fat is also made up of a carbon chain but it is not kinked. This makes it healthier. Unsaturated fat is in fruit.

38) xylem: All plants also have xylem, which transport water throughout the plant. This tree stump shows its xylems because it is cut open and they are located in branches and stems.

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