1. adhesion of water is when water is attracted to a surface, in this case, the glass. This is caused by hydrogen bonding.
3. ATP is what these fish use to move around and perform their basic tasks.
6. This is a carbohydrate, a chain of starch and sugars. It is used for energy
10. This is cohesion of water. Water sits by itself along a countertop and does not flow outward like one would expect.
12. Ectothermy is the giving off of heat. In the picture, the heat setting is on, which would would cause it to bring out heat.
13. Endothermy is the drawing in off heat. In turn, the temperature of the area would go down.
16. In the baking of sourdough bread, the yeast ferments, and is therefore a good example of fermentation.
18. In glycolysis, the sugar shown is broken into CO2, water, and the very important ATP
20. This is homeostasis, as the temperature is just being regulated and staying the same.
22. In this picture, the glass of water is hypotonic to the packet of sugar inside.
21. Here, the packet of sugar is hypertonic to the sugar water solution.
23. To be hydrophilic, something must have an affinity for water. This paper towel soaks up water, and is attracted to it.
24. To be hydrophobic, the substance must not have an affinity. This oil is hydrophobic
30. This leaf has phloem, which carries nutrients to the needed parts of the trees
27. This orange has citric acid, a by-product of the Kreb's cycle, which produces necessary molecules for the creation of ATP
32. This peanut butter contains saturated fat, which is a a long chain of carbons that has the ability to stack on top of each other
33. This plant has stomata, which is used in its gaseous exchanges.
35. Here, my dog is showing territorial behavior as another dog approaches it.
37. This oil has unsaturated fat, which is when the carbon chains are bended, which do not cause clotting.
38. This plant has xylem, which transports water throughout the plant.
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