Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain dynamic homeostasis

Adhesion of Water - Adhesion of water is when water is clinging to another substance.  When water clings to wall of cell walls it helps go against gravity.  This used in water transport in plants.

ATP - ATP stands for Adenosine-5'-Triphosphate.  ATP is the main source of energy in humans and we need it to live.  The reason why we eat and breakdown foods other than nutrients and growth, is for ATP! These zebras are able to move by using ATP.

Autotroph - An autotroph feeds itself.  It can make its own food and does not have to rely on other animals for organic molecules.  Autotrophs can be Phototrophs or Chemotrophs.

Calvin Cycle - The Calvin Cycle is one of the two stages of photosynthesis, which occurs in plants   It is claimed to be the "synthesis" part.  It is catalyzed by the enzyme rubisco and the product is a sugar called G3P or glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. Its output is NADP+ and ADP.

Cellulose - A major component of cell walls in plants.  Humans cannot digest cellulose because you need certain enzymes to break it down.  Cows, horses, and sheep have symbiotic bacteria in their stomachs which have the enzymes to digest cellulose. It gives plant structure.

Cohesion of water - When hydrogen bonds hold the water together. Cohesion in tree trunks from hydrogen bonding help hold together water within the cells.

Denaturation - The change of shape of a macromolecule due to extreme stress so that it will not be able to perform its regular function. In this example the heat is denaturing the eggs proteins.

Carbohydrate - Carbohydrates are one of the macromolecules, and are an organic compound.  They are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.  There are three types of carbohydrates: starch which gives energy for plants, glucose which gives energy for animals, and cellulose which gives structure in plants.  The simplest carb is a monosaccharide, then ther is a disaccharide, and a polysaccharide.

Ectothermy - Ectothermy is the ability of an organism to gain heat from their environment and maintain normal body temperature.  Reptiles, fishes, amphibians, and invertebrates are ectothermic.  They do this by using radiation or conduction.  Radiation is getting heat from the sun, and conduction is getting heat from another surface.

Endothermy - Endotherms are animals that maintain their body temperature above the temperature of the surrounding environment.  They rely on their internal body homeostasis and are considered warm-blooded.

Entropy - Entropy means disorder.  According to the second law of thermodynamics entropy always increases in heat transfer, so when this dog is running towards me it is releasing heat into the air which increases entropy.

Enzyme -  Enzymes are mainly proteins and they speed up metabolic reactions.  They can be catalysts and can help synthesize DNA or digest food.  For example, salivary amylase in this human saliva helps in the process of mechanical digestion.

Fermentation - There is lactic acid fermentaion in animals and alcohol fermentation in plants.  Alcohol fermentation is when sugars are converted into cellular energy and carbon dioxide is a waste product.  This type of fermentation is considered anaerobic.

Glycolysis - Glycolysis is the process of converting sugar into 2 pyruvate.  Which will later be converted into energy.  In this picture I have sugar in a spoon which is converted into pyruvate in the process of glycolysis.

Heterotroph - A heterotroph has to rely on other sources of food for energy and cannot make food for themselves.  They must retrieve it from another animal or organism. This sable antelope is a herbivore and relies on other plants for energy.

Homeostasis - Homeostasis is the internal balance of everything in your body regarding temperature and pH.  Mammals and birds practice homeostasis and a lion is a mammal.

Hypertonic - For something to be hypertonic it must have a higher concentration of solute compared to another thing.  This plant is hypertonic to the water because it contains a higher concentration of molecules than the water.

Taxis - Taxis is a behavioal response to a stimulus.  So for owls which are nocturnal animals, the light intensity factors on when they come out and go to sleep.  Owls come out at night and sleep during the day.

Unsaturated Fat - Unsaturated fats have a double bond which makes a kink in the fat so it does not stack. oils are a type of unsaturated fat.

Saturated Fat - Saturated fat are worse for you than unsaturated because they don't have a double bond, so these fats stack nicely which is not a good thing.  They can form a blood clot easier because of this and saturated fats include meats and sweets.

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