Monday, January 21, 2013

scavenger hunt 26-

26.-30 organisms in different plant divisions

there are 5 different divisions of the plant kingdom: Magnoliophyta, Coniferophyta, Pteridophyta, Bryophyta, Lycopodiophyta. four of the divisions are pictured above. the first is the trunk of a coniferous tree which is an example of a Coniferophyta. the second picture is poison ivy which is an example of Magnoliophyta. the third is a picture of moss on a branch which is an example of Bryophyta. the last picture is a picture of grass which is an example of Lycopodiophyta.

 31. diploid

a diploid cell is one that has two sets of chromosomes in the cell. the grass in this picture is full of diploid cells.

32. haploid

a haploid cell has one set of chromosomes and this tree is full of haploid cells.

33. mitosis

mitosis is the process of replication of cells in cells. this plan is undergoing mitosis right now.


meiosis is the process of making gametes or sex cells. this grass has undergone meiosis many times.


 a eukaryote is an organism that has cells that have chromosomes contained in a nuclear membrane. the frogs in this picture have many eukaryotic cells.
36. gamete

a gamete is a reproduction cell that is formed through meiosis. these birds were formed by gametes.

37. prokaryote

a prokaryote is a cell with its DNA in the for of chromatin. a good example of this is bacteria all over this tree.

38. phenotype 

a phenotype is the expression of a phenotype. a phenotype could be the color of these leaves.

39. tropism
tropism is the turning of part of an organism in response to stimulus. this is a flower and flowers will turn towards the sun to get more energy.

40. flock

a flock of birds is a group of the same type of bird that will fly together. if these birds were out of the cage they would probably be a flock.

41-44 biomes

biomes are the different kinds of environments around the world. the first image is of the wetland biome. the second is of the forest biome. the third is of the river biome. tha fourth is of the choral reaf biome.
45.-47 food chain. 

a food chain is the order in which energy flows from one organism to another. this food chain foes from the grass to the rat(not pictured) to the snake to the bird.

48. population

population is the number of organisms in the area. the population of this area is 42.

49. predation

predation is when one organism hunts another organism for food. if these fish were in the ocean they would be hunted by bigger fish.

50. emdosperm.
 an endosperm is the part of the seed that holds nutrients. whem this tree was  just a seed it had an endosperm.

51. ectothermy

an ectotherm is an organism that uses its environment to control its temperature. it is cold blooded  a good example of this is a lizard because they will dig underground when its too hot outside.

52.  endothermy.
an endotherm is an organism that can regulate the temperature inside its body. it is warm blooded. a dog is a warm blooded animal.

53.-55 animals in different phylum.

there are many phyla of animals. these pictures only contain a few of them. the sponges in the first picture are porifera. the clam in the second picture is from mollusca, and the fish in the third one are chordate.

56. tetrapod

a tetrapod is a vertebrate with four legs. a cat has four legs to support it.

 57. unicellular organism

a unicellular organism is an organism that has many cells. this sponge has millions of cells. 

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