Sunday, January 20, 2013

Logs 41-60

 Big Idea 1: Number 28
Modified Leaf of a Plant
This photo of a cactus plant is a clear example of a modified leaf.  The leaves on this cactus plant help defend it from animals trying to eat it.  It is a protective adaptation that occurred, most likely, from natural selection.
 Big Idea 1: Number 7
This photo of a dead worm is an example of an annelid.  Annelida is a phylum that includes over 20,000 species of worms.  This is a common earthworm.
Big Idea 4: Number 10
Keystone Species
This photo grass is a prime example of a keystone species.  Keystone species are species that have a huge effect on its environment and other species in the environment.  Without grass, the ground would not be as fertile and other plants would not be able to grow.  If there was no grass for herbivores to eat, many herbivores would die off, in turn killing the predators that prey on the herbivores.  

Big Idea 4: Number 1
Altruistic Behavior
What could be a better example of altruistic behavior than the baby Jesus.  Altruism is the principal of selflessness.  In nature, it can be characterized as an animal sacrificing its well being for the benefit of another animal.  What could be a bigger example of this than Jesus giving his life for the entire world's sins to be forgiven?
Big Idea 4: Number 11
This photo of a penguin is a perfect example of a K-strategist.  A K-strategist is a type of category that animals are put into if the spend a lot of energy to have a small amount of offspring.  They spend a lot of energy because since they don't have many offspring, they want to make sure that the few that they produce have a good chance of survival.  Penguins are good examples because they only lay one egg a year and they put a huge amount of effort into protecting and helping that one egg.
Big Idea 4: Number 6
Lacrosse is a great sport and fun way to engage in competition.  Competition in nature, however, is a little different than competition in sports.  In the animal kingdom, animals compete for territory, food, and females.  In the plant kingdom, plants compete for resources such as sunlight and water.
Big Idea 4: Number 18
An alligator is a perfect example of a predator.  Predation is the biological interaction between a predator and its prey.  If an alligator attacked a chicken, this would be an example of predation.
Big Idea 4: Number 19
A frog is a perfect example of an r-strategist.  An r-strategist is an animal that produces a large amount of offspring, but the survival rate of those offspring is quite low.  Frogs lay hundreds if not thousands of eggs at once, which makes them a perfect example of an r-strategist.
Big Idea 3: Number 10
A bear is a good example of an animal that exerts a specific behavior.  The behavior that bears tend to exert is the behavior of territorial-ism.  When bears feel like their claimed territory is being threatened, they can become very irritable and even violent.  
 Big Idea 1: Number 33
Organisms in Different Plant Divisions (Coniferophyta)
A redwood tree is a perfect example of a a plant in the Conipherophyta division.  Plants that are in this division are cone-bearing trees and shrubs.
 Big Idea 1: Number 33
Organisms in Different Plant Divisions (Anthophyta)
These flowers, and any others for that matter, belong under the division Anthopyta.  Other plants that belong in this division are all flowering plants.
Big Idea 1: Number 33
Organisms in Different Plant Divisions (Pterophyta)
This fern that I found outside my house, and any fern for that matter, would be classified under the division Pterophyta.  This plant division solely includes ferns.
 Big Idea 2: Number 3
Powerade is a sports drink that is supposed to help athletes perform well by providing them with sugars and vitamins to give them energy.  For athletes to perform well, or to live for that matter, they need energy, and one of the simplest, most abundant, and most important forms of energy in the universe is ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).  ATP is produced by the process of photosynthesis and by cellular respiration.  ATP is needed to power almost every action in the body that requires energy, such as active transport channels. 
Big Idea 3: Number 7
Evidence of Different Alleles
Snoopy, with his white body and black ears, is a clear example of an animal with more than one allele at work in determining a specific trait like hair color.  Snoopy has two different hair colors, which means there has to be more than one allele for hair color present in his DNA.
Big Idea 2: Number 4
Any kind of plant that makes its own energy, such as these in this picture, is an autotroph.  Any organism that does not make its own energy is a heterotroph. 
Big Idea 3: Number 18
These remnants of a nest were once the home of a particularly dangerous pollinator, the wasp.  Wasps pollinate by landing on flowers and by doing so, picking up pollen and then when they land on another flower, they drop off some of the pollen they picked up before, then they pick up more from the new plant and repeat this action.
Big Idea 3: Number 1
This fish, along with all animals and many plants, is a diploid organism.  A diploid organism is an organism that has two sets of chromosomes (usually one from its mother and one from its father).  A haploid organism has only one set.
Big Idea 1: Number 20
This dough, and any dough for that matter, contains yeast which makes bread rise.  Yeast is classified as a fungi.  Fungi are heterotrophic, spore producing plants.
Big Idea 3: Number 15
This hair cell is a product of mitosis.  Mitosis is cellular division of non-germ cells.  All hair cells were created through this cellular reproductive cycle.  During this cycle, the DNA in the cell is replicated, moves to the center of the cell called the Metaphase plate, are pulled to opposite sides of the cell, and then both sides split off from each other to produce two new cells. 
Big Idea 3: Number 5
An acorn is a type of seed dispersal unit.  Inside an acorn lies reproductive cells from the tree that produced the acorn.  These reproductive cells that are haploid and generally need to be fertilized are called gametes. 

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