Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Idea 4

 Biological Magnification:  The phenomenon of an immense amount of a single substance in an environment, is described as biological magnification.  In this photograph, I chose to capture an image of grass, as in this spot it is extremely prevalent in a way similar to biological magnification.

 Biomes:  A biome is an area with a particular climate and biology, that is often repeated in various areas in a biosphere, such as the planet Earth.  The first biome is a forest biome.  I had originally thought I was taking a picture of a deer, but on closer examination, I found no such deer.  The second biome is a sandy biome, next to river.
 Commensalism:  In this picture, the Christmas lights have been put on this tree.  The reason for this action is that they will give off heat, thereby prevented the tree from being killed by frost.  In a commensalist relationship, one side benefits, while the other is unaffected.  Here, the lights help the tree survive, while the tree has no impact on the lights.
 Detrivore:  This tomato is slowly decomposing.  Detrivores are creatures that obtain their nutrients from decomposing plant or animal material.
 Endosperm:  Flour is made from the endosperm of wheat (whole wheat flour uses the whole wheat).  The endosperm makes up the majority of the seed and is used as nutrients for the seed, by the seed, and of the seed.
 Introduced species.  This pistachio tree was introduced  into this area by people who wanted to grow pistachios.  An introduced species is an species living outside of its native area.  Technically humans would be an introduced species in most of the world, as we did not originally inhabit everywhere.
 Mutualism.  A man and his horse.  The horse helps the man get where he needs to go faster, while the man feeds and shelters the horse. A mutual relationship is one in which both sides benefit.
 Pioneer species:  A pioneer species is the first the return to an area after some event.  In this picture there is only one (visible) species in the water.  This could potentially mean that it is the first to inhabit this particular area, making it a pioneer species.
Population:  Far in the distance you can see some humans.  They are engaging in various human acts.  A population is all of the members of the same species living in one particular area, such as this park.  Fortunately I was far enough away from the abhorred creatures that I did not have to behold them clearly.

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