Monday, January 21, 2013

Big idea 4. #3 Biomes
This is an example of a DESERT biome. A desert biome is often dry and hot and often near the equator. This sidewinder Rattlesnake is an animal common found in desert biomes.
This is an example of an AQUATIC biome. An aquatic biome is any biome that is centered around water such as an ocean, lake, or river.
This palm tree is an example of a tree commonly found in TROPICAL RAINFOREST biomes. These biomes experience a lot of rain and heat.

Big Idea 4. #15
Parasitism is the relationship between two organism where one feeds off the other at the others expense. This mistletoe is a parasite to this oak tree.

Big Idea 4 #18
 Predation is the preying of one animal on another. This leopard is a top predator.

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