Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Idea 4

Altruistic behavior:
Altruistic behavior is when members of a species helps another. In this case, the orangutan is cleaning its mate by eating the bugs off it. This benefits both partners and is a sign of altruism

A biome is the type of location. It is based on climate, temperature, and other conditions. This biome is a swamp or marshland area.
A detrivore/decomposer feeds off of detrius or decomposing animal/plant matter. Fungi is a type of decomposer and mushrooms due decompose to a certain degree.

Competition is when two organisms, groupd, etc. fight for survival. This  boa is in a pen with another snake. In reality, they would fight over the food, until the fitter one wins.
A niche is your surrounding and the environment around you. It is where you live and its standards. The ducks at this fountain get fed bread by passing people. They live in their own niche at this fountain, unlike the wild duck.
Pioneer Species:
The pioneer species builds up a community after it has been destroyed, for example in a forest fire. Blackberries are a pioneer species, leading with ecological succession to rebuild the community.
The population is the amount of an organism living in a designated area. These birds live in this area by my house. This is the population of birds at this lake.
K-strategists are organisms that reproduce at lower rates, but with higher life expectancy. They watch over their children and they live longer, however, less are produced. Zebras give birth and take care of their offspring.
Keystone Species:
A keystone species is a species of animal that is necessary for a community to survive. This snake is a keystone species because without the snake, there would be high numbers of its prey. (overpopulation)
This rattlesnake is a predator in its natural environment. It hunts its prey. Predation is when a predator feeds on a prey that it attacks. This snake is a predator to its prey.

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