Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Idea 4

(Big idea 4, #3) These four picture represent biomes. Biomes are ecosystems where plants and animals live together creating a community. These four pictures are different biomes where plants and animals live together to form communities in different situations.

(Big idea 4, #9) This picture shows an introduced species. An introduced species is a species that is moved from their native land to a new area where they do not originate. This scorpion here is a type of introduced species in the this area.

 (Big idea 4, #11) This picture shows a k-strategist. A k-strategist is an organisms with few offspring, but they are often large. This oak tree is an example of an organism that is a k-strategist.

(Big idea 4, #14) These four pictures represent organisms on different levels of the same food chain. These four animals are all part of a food chain: the pathway along which food is transferred from trophic level to trophic level, beginning with producers. The producer here is the grass. It is then eaten by the crickets, which are eaten by the bullfrog, which is then eaten by the snake.

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