Monday, January 21, 2013

(Big Idea 4 # 19 R-Strategist)  An R-Strategist is an animal that have a high reproductive rate.  The insects in this picture are r-strategists because they reproduce at a high rate.

(Big Idea 2 # 12 Ectotherm)  An ectotherm is a type of animal that cannot regulate its own heat.  This gecko is an ectotherm because it cannot regulate its own heat.

(Big  Idea 2 # 13 Endotherm)  An endotherm is any animal that can regulate its own heat.  This red panda is an endotherm because it can regulate it's own heat.

(Big Idea 4 #8 Endosperm)  An endosperm is a nutrient rich tissue formed by the union of sperm and two non polar nuclei.  This coconut is an example of an endosperm because of its inner tissue or meat.
(Big Idea 2 # 42 Hypotonic)  Hypotonic is when something has a lower solute concentration.  This bag is an example of hypotonic because it allows water to go into cells.

(Big Idea 2 # 43 Hypertonic)  Hypertonic is when something has a higher solute concentration.  This bag is hypertonic because this solute draws water out of cells when paired with cells.
(Big Idea 1 # 26 Homologous structure)  Homologous structure is the similarity between structures in separate species because of a common ancestor.  The dog paw and hand are both similar, making them homologous structures.

(Big Idea 2 # 25 Isotonic)  Isotonic means that two things have the same solute concentration.  This bag is isotonic because it is used as a control for a normal cell.

(Big Idea 4 # 9 Introduced Species)  An introduced species is a species that has been relocated to a place that it is not native in.  The tree in the picture is not native to Sacramento, so it is an introduced species.

(Big Idea 2 # 23 Hydrophilic)  Hydrophilic means anything that has an affinity for water.  The sugar is being poured into a glass of water, and the sugar has an affinity for water.

(Big Idea 3 # 15 Mitosis)  Mitosis is when a cell makes an exact copy of its DNA, and then the cell splits into two identical cells.  This picture shows mitosis because the skin cells have to replicate in order to heal the cut.

(Big Idea 3 # 9 Flock)  A flock is a group of birds that come together to feed or roost.  These flamingos are an example of a flock because they are birds that have come together to feed and roost.

(Big Idea 3 # 12 herbivory responses)  A herbivory response is any adaption that a plant has evolved into to help the plant combat herbivores.  This tree, called monkey puzzle, has adapted in such a way that it is hard to grasp, which helps the plant combat herbivores.

(Big Idea 3 # 21 tropism)  Tropism is a plant response to a stimulus that makes the plant grow in a certain way that forces it to go against its usual structure.  The tree in the picture grows in such a way that the branches go over the cage and over the fence.

(Big Idea 3 # 13 Batesian Mimicry)  Batesian Mimicry is a form of mimicry when a harmless species evolves to have an outer coat similar to a harmful species.  This frog is not poisonous, but the bright yellow colors give off the affect that it truly is dangerous.

(Big Idea 4 # 11 K-Strategist)  K-strategist is any organism that produces few offspring with a better chance of survival.  This tiger produces relatively few offspring, but a tiger has a very good chance of survival because the tiger does not have many predators.

(Big Idea 4 # 14 Same Food Chain)  Organisms in the same food chain are related because they are consumers or producers. These giraffes are primary consumers of trees.

(Big Idea 4 #14 Same Food Chain)  Organisms in the same food chain are related because they are consumers or producers.  This tree is the primary producer because it is eaten by the giraffe.

(Big Idea 4 #14 Same Food Chain)  Organisms in the same food chain are related because they are consumers or producers.  This lion is a secondary consumer because it eats the giraffes.

(Big Idea 4 # 18 predation)  Predation is when one animal is eaten by another.  This gecko eats the insect in the picture, which qualifies it as predation.

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