Monday, January 21, 2013

Big idea 2

This is adhesion of water(#1) because the water is sticking to another surface via hydrogen bonds.
This banana has sugar in it which our bodies will convert into ATP(#3) to use for our everyday activities. 

This plant and every other plant is an example of an autotroph(#4) it make its energy from the suns rays.
This tortilla chip has carbohydrates(#6) in it or sugar which give us energy.  It's broken down in the mouth.
The lettuce is made of cellulose(#8) which is what gives the plant its support and it's very hard to digest. Humans are unable to digest it.
This water droplet is a perfect example of water cohesion(#10) for  the reason the water stays in the reason the water stays in the form of a droplet is because the water is sticking to itself.
This lizard is an example of ectothermy(#12) it 's cold-blooded and uses the sun or light to heat itself up.
This wine was made by fermentation(#16) this one by yeast. the yeast turns sugar into alcohol. once the alcohol percentage becomes to high the yeast die.
The sugar in this Almond Joy will eventually be turned into pyruvate via glycolysis(#18). this is when the 6-carbon sugar glucose is turned into the 3-carbon sugar pyruvate. 

This sugar which is made of a mix of sucrose, fructose,  and glucose is not needed immediately it will be turned into glycogen(#17) then into fat if still not used. 
My brother is an heterotroph(#19) because he can't make the necessary nutrients his body needs.
This powdered sugar is hydrophilic(#23) because it broken down by the water and mix.
This oil is hydrophobic(#24) because the hydrophilic heads of the lipids face out while the hydrophobic tails face inward.
This lemon tree is a long day plant(#29) because it  spends almost all day in the sun and requires little night time.
This plant is a great example of having a pholem(#30). a pholem is something that carries nutrients inside something. this example is a plant and its stem.
This butter is saturated fat(#32) because there is no double-bonded carbons so the fats are able to stack on top of each other.
This picture shows the stoma(#33) of a leaf. The stoma are what allow the plant to bring in carbon-dioxide and take out oxygen. Water also escapes from the stoma too.

This plant and every plant goes through transpiration(#36) this is when the plant loses water from it;s stoma into the air and it keeps going through the cycle. 
This olive oil is an example of unsaturated fat(#37). The reason it's unsaturated is because it has a double-bond  and this doesn't allow the fats to stack up. Unlike in a saturated fat.

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