Sunday, January 20, 2013

Big Idea 2

(Big idea 2, #10) The water in this dropper is cohesion of water. Cohesion of water is when water is attracted to water forming hydrogen bonds. The water in the dropper are forming hydrogen bonds that are stronger than gravity so the water doesn't fall through the hole in dropper.

(Big idea 2, #4) This plant represents an autotroph. An autotroph is an organism that creates its own food without eating any other organisms. This plant uses solar energy and converts it into chemical energy so it can live.

(Big idea 2, #5) The leaves on this tree represent the Calvin Cycle. The Calvin cycle is the second stage of photosynthesis involving CO2 fixation and reduction of carbons. The leaves of this tree perform photosynthesis and must perform the Calvin cycle as part of the process.

(Big idea 2, #6) This hawaiian bread represents a carbohydrate. A carbohydrate is a sugar or one of its dimers/polymers. Bread is a carbohydrate because it contains starch, which is a polymer with contains suger molecules.

(Big idea 2, #8) The leaves on the orange tree here show cellulose. Cellulose is a polysaccharide of cell walls helping support and strengthen the plant. The leaves on this orange tree contain cellulose.

(Big idea 2, #1) The water on the leaves of this plant represents adhesion of water. Adhesion of water is when water is attracted to a different a different type of molecule. Here, the water droplets are sticking to the leaves.

(Big idea 2, #11) This picture represents denaturation. Denaturation is when a protein unravels and becomes inactive. It is caused by extreme conditions of pH, salt concentration, or temperature. The high temperature of the oven would cause a protein to denature.

(Big idea 2, #13) My cat is an example of endothermy. Endothermy is when an organism uses metabolism to regulate body temperature internally rather than using heat from the sun or some other external source like ectotherms. My cat, a mammal, uses endothermy to regulate heat.

(Big idea 2, #15) The spit in this photo represents an enzyme. An enzyme is a protein that catalyzes reactions without being consumed by the reaction. The spit in this enzyme is salivary amylase, which breaks down starch into sugars.

(Big idea 2, #16) The wine in the photo represents fermentation. Fermentation is a catabolic process making a small amount of ATP from glucose. The end product of fermentation can be alcohol, like the wine (grape fermentation), or it can be lactic acid. 

(Big idea 2, #19) The lions in the picture represent heterotrophs. Heterotrophs are organisms that obtain food by eating other organisms or products of other organisms. The lions pictured above obtain their food by hunting and eating other animals.

(Big idea 2, #24) Water and oil represent hydrophobic. Something that is hydrophobic is something that has an aversion to water, it doesn't like water. The oil in the picture (looks like a bubble in the middle) separated from the water and formed together on the top.

(Big idea 2, #28) This yogurt represents lactic acid. Lactic acid is the substance left in our muscles after using lactic acid fermentation (conversion of pyruvate into lactate). The yogurt is made by lactic acid fermentation, so it represents lactic acid.

(Big idea 2, #29) This is a photo of a long day plant. A long day plant is a plant that only blooms when there is a critical amount of sunlight. This would normally be in the spring and summer since the days are longer. California Poppies are a long day plant, and that is why they aren't flowering here.

(Big idea 2, #30) This is a picture of a phloem. Phloems are vascular plant tissues that transport nutrients throughout the plant. The phloem are contained here, in the stems of the plants.

(Big idea 2, #32) This picture represents saturated fat. Saturated fat is a triglyceride that have no double bonds, so they can build up and solidify, unlike unsaturated fat. Butter, shown above, contains saturated fat.

(Big idea 2, #33) Thus photo represents stomata, pores in the epidermis of leaves that exchange gases between the environment and the inside of the plant. A leave like this would contain stomata.

(Big idea 2, #35) The silverback gorilla in this photo exhibits territorial behavior. Territorial behavior is when an animal protects its territory from others of its species. The silverback gorilla is very territorial and is protecting its area on these rocks.

(Big idea 2, #37) This photo represents unsaturated fat. An unsaturated fat is a triglyceride that contains one or more double bonds. When at room temperature, it is normally a liquid. Olive oil contains unsaturated fats.

(Big idea 2, #38) This photo represents xylem. Xylem are like the veins of a plant. They transport water and minerals up and around a plant. The inside of this fallen tree is where the xylem would have been located if this tree was still alive and standing.

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