Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Idea 2

 Adhesion of Water: Adhesion is the sticking of water to other substances. In the photo there are drops of water sticking to the sides of the bottle due to adhesion.
 Anabolic: Anabolic reactions result in a gain of energy. Protein shakes help stimulate the body and increase energy levels so the user can be more active or build strength.
 Autotroph: An autotroph is any organism that can make its own food. A plant like the one shown above can make its own food through photosynthesis.
 Carbohydrate: Carbohydrates serve as one of the methods of storage of energy in organisms. Potatoes are high in carbohydrates.
 Cellulose: The cell wall of plant cells consists of cellulose. Both corn and cucumbers consist of this material.
 Chitin: Chitin is the protein shell that covers most crustaceans. In the picture sits a crab with a chitin shell surrounding its soft body.
 Cohesion of Water: Cohesion is the attachment of water to itself. In the picture, water remains intact inside the cup because it is stuck together.
 Denaturation: Denaturation causes lipids to lose their secondary and tertiary structures when pressure, such as heat, is applied. Cooking fuel, such as sterno, helps cook different foods, which leads to denaturation.
 Enzyme: Enzymes behave as catalysts for reactions inside the body. Probiotics provide enzymes for these processes so they can be faster.
 Fermentation: Fermentation produces ATP through the oxidation of organic compounds. Sauerkraut is an example of food that is made through this process.
 Glycogen: Glycogen is a carbohydrate that stores energy in fungi and humans. Yeast utilizes glycogen for energy storage.
 Hypertonic: Hypertonic is used to describe any substance in a solution that has a greater concentration than another substance in the solution. In Pedialyte, there is a higher concentration of solutes in comparison to the solvents, so we can say that the solutes are hypertonic to the solvent.
 Hypotonic: Hypotonic is used to describe any substance in a solution that has a smaller concentration than another substance in the solution. In Isopropyl Alcohol, the solvent concentration is lower than that of the solutes, so we can say that the solvent is hypotonic to the solutes.
 Hydrophilic: Hydrophilic is used to describe any substance that has an affinity for water. If salt and water were to be mixed into a solution, the salt would mix with the water, so we could say that salt is hydrophilic.
 Hydrophobic: Hydrophobic is used to describe any substance that has no affinity for water. If vegetable oil and water were to be mixed into a solution, the two substances would not mix, so we can say that vegetable oil is hydrophobic.
 Isotonic: Isotonic is used to describe a solution with equal solvent and solute concentrations. In Saline Wound Wash, the solute and solvent concentrations are equal, so we can say that the solution is isotonic.
 Saturated Fat: Saturated Fats consist of triglycerides that contain saturated fatty acids. The chain for this fat is kinked. An example of this is pork fat, as shown above.
 Lactic Acid: Lactic acid is produced during exercise in animals by LDH. Milk contains high amounts of lactose, which is converted to lactic acid during digestion.
 Phospholipid: Phospholipids are lipids in the cell membrane that are used as food supplements in diets. They aid in the functioning of the liver and reproduction.
Unsaturated Fat: Unsaturated fats consist of double bonds within the fatty acid chain, so it is not kinked. They can help protect against cardiac arrhythmias.

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