Saturday, January 19, 2013

Big idea 2

32. This stick of butter is an example of a saturated fat. A saturated fat is a type of triglyceride which contain glycerol and fatty acids connected by an ester linkage. Glycerol is a type of alcohol with three carbons bearing a hydroxyl group. On the other hand, fatty acid contains a long carbon skeleton varying from 16 to 18 carbon atoms in length. This stick of butter is considered a saturated fat because it solidifies at room temperature.
23. This picture shows how oil is hydrophobic. A hydrophobic substance is a substance that are nonionic and nonpolar and repel water. In this picture, the oil does not mix with the water because the water molecules bond to one another and exclude the fats found in the oil.
16. This wine bottle is an example of fermentation. Fermentation is breakdown of a substance due to aneaerobic conditions. The wine is an example of alcohol fermentation where pyruvate is turned into ethanol. This process is carried out by yeast which is a form of fungus.
9. This lobster shell is an example of chitin. Chitin is a type of structural polysaccharide where arthropods use carbohydrates to build their exoskeleton. This lobster shell is an example of chitin because a lobster is a type of crustacean which is part of the arthropod family.
37. This container of oil is an example of unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat consist of glycerol and fatty acids; however, the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat is that unsaturated fat has a kink in its fatty acid tail.The reason why oil is a unsaturated fat is because it does not solidify at room temperature due to the kinks in the fatty acid chain in the unsaturated fat. As a result, unsaturated fat does not stack on top of each other and solidify.
17. This container of agave sweetener is an example of glycogen.  Glycogen is a polymer of glucose and is deposited in the liver and muscle cells in animals for short term energy usage. This container of agave sweetener contains glucose which can be created into glycogen
18. The partially eaten cheese in this picture gives an example of glycolysis. Glycolysis is a process where glucose is converted into pyruvate. The piece of cheese that was consumed contained lactose which is a polymer of glucose. Here, the lactose is broken down into glucose which will be inserted into glycolysis.

8. The cotton on the ends of this cotton swab is an example of cellulose. Cellulose is the must abundant compound on Earth and is part of a plants cell wall. The cellulose makes up the fibers found in the cotton.

6. This cake is an example of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are compounds such as sugars in which they can be broken down. This cake is an example of carbohydrates because it contains sugars and polymers of sugars where they can be broken down and stored as short burst of energy. 
23. This small packet of sugar is an example of a hydrophilic substance. A hydrophilic substance is something that is attracted to water. Sugar is hydrophilic because it can dissolve in water due to the hydrogen that surround the sugar particles and split them apart.
5. This bush is an example of the Calvin Cycle. The Calvin Cycle is the process in which a plant converts energy from light reactions to create sugar. This bush is an example of the Calvin Cycle because it is directly in the sun, which means that it is absorbing the sunlight and converting its energy to sugar.
4. This flower is an example of an autotroph. An autotroph is an organism that produce their molecules from CO2 and other inorganic raw materials. This flower is considered an autotroph because it uses CO2 from the air and raw material in the ground to produce its molecules.

10. This splash created by a pebble is an example of cohesion. Cohesion is the the sticking of water to other water molecules. In this picture, the pebble broke the surface tension of the water, which also breaks the hydrogen bonds that occur in cohesion. 

15. The saliva in this picture is an example of an enzyme. An enzyme is a chemical property derived from an animal that acts as a catalyst to help a certain reaction. This saliva contains enzymes that are used to break down food when it is being consumed.

14. The flame coming from the lighter is an example of entropy. Entropy is the measure of disorder. This small flame is an example of entropy because it transfers its energy to the outside causing an increase in entropy.

28. My friend performing a pull up is an example of lactic acid. Lactic acid is found during the process of lactic acid fermentation. Here, pyruvate is transformed into lactate, an ionized form of lactic acid. In this picture, my friends muscles are undergoing lactic acid fermentation, due to the lack of oxygen, in order to create ATP

27. The dogs in this picture is an example of the Krebs Cycle. The Krebs Cycle is a cycle that occurs in living cells, which generates energy during aerobic respiration. The dogs in this picture are using energy created by the Krebs Cycle in order to move around.

1. The water droplets that are seen on this water jug is an example of adhesion. Adhesion is when a certain substance clings to another substance. The water in this picture is clinging on to the side of the water jug making the water adhesive to the water jug.
12. This picture gives an example of  endothermy. An endothermy refers to a warm-blooded animal species. This mouse is an example of an endothermy because it can create internal heat through storage of fats and through its fur.
13. This salamander in this picture illustrates an example of ectothermy. Unlike endothermy, ectothermy refers to different types of species that obtain heat through their surroundings. This salamander is a cold-blooded species which means that it cannot generate its own heat. Therefore, in order to obtain heat, it must rely on a heat source such as the sun. 

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