Monday, January 21, 2013

Big Idea 1

(Big Idea 1 #4) An amniotic egg is an egg that grows an amnion which protects the embryo, such as that of a chicken egg.
(Big Idea 1 #6) Angiosperms are flowering plants, and they produce seeds. This plant is an example of an angiosperm because of its flowers.

(Big Idea 1 #8) An arachnid is a joint legged invertebrate. All arachnids have eight legs, like this spider does.

(Big Idea 1 #10) An arthropod is an invertebrate with an exoskeleton, a segmented body, and jointed appendages, as this mealworm does.

(Big Idea 1 #11) Artificial selection is the process in which farmers only allow plants that they want to grow more of to reproduce. Cauliflower is artificially selected from wild mustard for the sterility of its flowers.

(Big Idea 1 #12) Bilateral symmetry is symmetry along a central line, like the leaves of this Japanese aralia plant. 

(Big Idea 1 #13) A bryophyte is a land plant that lacks vascular tissue. This moss is a bryophyte, and reproduces using spores instead of seeds.

(Big Idea 1 #14) A chordate is an organism with a notochord, a dorsal nerve chord, and a post anal tail. This Bala Shark, while not an actual shark, is a chordate because it possesses all these things.

(Big Idea 1 #17) This species of fish is a deuterostome, an animal that has two separate mouths.

(Big Idea 1 #18) A dicot is different from a monocot because it has petals in multiples of four, like this flower.

(Big Idea 1 #18) A monocot has petals in multiples of three, like this orchid, which has three petals in the back.

(Big Idea 1 #18) Another difference between monocots and dicots is that monocots only have one cotyledon. In this picture, the cotyledon is coming out of the top of the flower.

(Big Idea 1 #18) Dicots have two cotyledons, shown by the y-shaped section halfway up the stem.

(Big Idea 1 #20) Fungi are eukaryotic cells that have cell walls containing chitin. Mushrooms are a very well known fungus.

(Big Idea 1 #21) Gastropods are a large class of the mollusk phylum that usually have a shell, like these snails, or no shell at all.

(Big Idea 1 #22) Genetic variation is the variation of alleles of genes, causing members of the same species to be different, such as these birds, where one has blue feathers and the other green.

(Big Idea 1 #24) A gymnosperm cone is the gametophyte of a gymnosperm. An example is this pine cone.

(Big Idea 1 #25) A gymnosperm leaf is the leaf of a gymnosperm, a tree that reproduces using unprotected seeds, like this redwood tree.

(Big Idea 1 #24)

(Big Idea 1 #38) A seedless vascular plant does not reproduce using seeds. One of the most abundant seedless vascular plants is ferns.

(Big Idea 1 #39) A tetrapod is a four limbed animal. My dog Ruby is a tetrapod because she walks on four legs.

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