Tuesday, January 1, 2013

51,52,53...ATP, ectotherm,carbohydrate

these scrumptious fish and chips demonstrate a carbohydrate(big idea 2#6) in an interesting way. There are both potatos and bits of fish which show both the creation of carbs and catabolism. Plants use solar energy and carbon dioxide to create simple sugars and store them in the form of starch(a carbohydrate). hetyrotrophs consume this plant matter and turn it into energy by oxidative phosphorylation. Because this photo has both creative and destructive sources for carbs,
 i deem it to be nifty an tasty.
 this live lobster is an example of an ectotherm(big idea 2#12), commonly refered to as "cold blooded". ectotherms do not control their body heat by internal processes, but rather depend on the enviroment for heat. They opperate at low metabolic rates and most live in enviroments where the temp is almost always constant, like the sea floor. Solar rays do not heat the sea as much as the land, so only the surface temp changes and it is minimal, so much ocean life is ectothermic, with their bodies basicly the same temperature as the surrounding water.
This awesome looking plant contains ATP(big idea 2#3). ATP is the molecule that organisms use to store energy and release it in a controled way when needed. The bond between the phosphate groups(which repulse eachother) can be broken, releasing energy and one phosphate. ATP is created when ADP is joined with a phosphate and "charged" by ATP synthase and the movement of protons by facilitated diffusion.

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