An adaptation is a trait that is favored by natural selection. This picture is an example of an adaptation because it depicts opposable thumbs, which help humans accomplish a variety of tasks. Thumbs allow humans a distinct advantage over other animals, showing that evolution "drives diversity" because it favors different traits over others
2. Big Idea 1: Adaptation of a Plant
An adaptation of a plant provides a plant with an increased advantage. This picture shows that fact because it depicts that the plant adapted by growing large, colorful leaves. This trait allows the plant to appear attractive, causing pollinators to visit the plant and spread its pollen. It demonstrates big idea one because it shows that evolution unifies species of plants by causing them to be physically appealing.
3. Big Idea 1: Amniotic Egg
The amniotic egg was and still is, an important way for species to give birth on land, which would otherwise be impossible. This picture shows an amniotic egg used by a chicken, which is a descendant of the first species to use it. Some other descendants are many species of reptiles and mammals. It demonstrates big idea one by showing how evolution unifies species by causing them to develop similar methods of giving birth.
4. Big Idea 1: Annelid
Annelids are a distinct phylum of animals defined by their possession of a coelom, movable bristles, and a body segmented by rings, or annulations. The picture featured shows a subspecies more commonly known as the "Earthworm," which, as is shown here, features prominent annulations. This picture demonstrates big idea one by showing that species develop diversely based on their function in life, which is picked by evolution.
5. Big Idea 1: Arachnid
Arachnids are animals that have an exoskeleton, a segmented body, and eight jointed legs. This picture features a subspecies more commonly known as a spider (which is buried deep in the spiderweb), which possesses all of these requirements to be a arachnid, such as eight legs and a segmented body. This animal clearly demonstrates big idea one, as it shows that evolution can cause animals to be quite diverse based on function, which is shown by the obvious difference between arachnids and annelids.
6. Big Idea 1: Chordates
Chordates are the highest phylum in the animal kingdom and have a dorsal nerve cord and a notochord; they contain the sub-category known as vertebrates. This picture features a common household cat, which possesses a dorsal nerve cord and has a spine which is a part of the central nervous system, proving that it is, in fact, a chordate. This picture demonstrates big idea one by showing that many animals develop similarly, due to the fact that they all share common environments.
7. Big Idea 1: Bilateral Symmetry
Bilateral symmetry is symmetry in that only one plane can divide an animal in half so that both sides share common physical appearance. This picture depicts a tree squirrel, which possesses this form of symmetry, as many chordates do. This trait demonstrates big idea one by showing that many animals develop symmetry because it is an evolutionary sound method of survival.
8. Big Idea 1: Gymnosperm Cone
Cones are generally produced by gymnosperm plants, which form seeds by being pollenated, then form cones in which the seeds grow, finally releasing them when the time is right and the cones open. This cone is from a conifer tree, which demonstrates the process described above. The picture demonstrates big idea one by showing that many types of trees develop different methods of dispersing seeds due to evolutionary differences.
9. Big Idea 1: Genetic Variation
Genetic variation is the differences between the alleles in a certain species, or outside of that species. This picture shows genetic variation, as the dog on the left is much bigger and wider, being a male, and the female on the left is much smaller and more agile. This picture relates to big idea one, as, in a certain environment, genetic variation would lead to the survival and reproduction of one animal over the other.
10. Big Idea 1: Lichens
Lichens are plants that consist of a symbiosis between two species, fungi and algae; they reproduce both sexually and asexually, but, other than this, they are not that well understood. This picture shows the crustose type, which is easily identifiable because it form a "crust" on the surface of the wood. This picture shows that many types of plants may diversify by not only changing traits, but by also forming together by symbiosis.
11. Big Idea 1: Fungi
Fungi are heterotrophs and some are parasites, absorbing their nutrients from the host, while others are saprophytic and absorb dead matter; they reproduce both sexually and asexually. This picture demonstrates the saprophytic form, as it is living on and feeding off of a dead, fallen tree. This represents big idea one because it shows that many plants diversify in that they can develop to consume dead or living matter for energy.
12. Big Idea 1: Modified Root of a Plant
A modified root is a root that demonstrates a modified trait, such as a taproot, an aerial root, or a very thick or long root. This picture shows a root that, being close to water, extends directly into the water above ground. This picture demonstrates big idea one by showing that many plants may demonstrate different root structure to survive and thrive.
13. Big Idea 1: Modified Stem of a Plant
A modified stem of a plant is a plant with a stem that demonstrates a modified trait or characteristic. This picture shows a rose plant, which has thorns to prevent predators from attacking and possibly harming the plant, such as birds or other herbivores. This picture demonstrates big idea one by showing that plants may develop different techniques of dealing with predators.
14. Big Idea 1: Modified Leaf of a Plant
A modified leaf of a plant is a leaf that has a modified trait of characteristic, most likely due to environmental stress. This picture depicts a plant that has modified its leaves to have thorns, which greatly decreases the chance of being eaten by a predator. This picture relates to big idea one in that many plants may have diverged due to their evolutionary tactic of dealing with predators.
15. Big Idea 1: Gymnosperm Leaf
The leaves of gymnosperms differ greatly between different trees, but among conifers, leaves may be needlelike or a broad blade. This picture shows that, as it depicts a pine tree, which is a gymnosperm tree. This picture demonstrates big idea one, as evolution may dictate one type of leaf over another, depending on the environment.
16. Big Idea 1: Artificial Selection
Artificial selection is a trait that is selected and breaded for by humans seeking specific characteristics in animals. This picture demonstrates that, for these rabbits were selected to be fatter and bigger in general. This picture shows that evolution can be manipulated to demonstrate the diversity or sameness that humanity desires.
17. Big Idea 1: Animals: Class and Order
A class is a taxonomy group containing one or more orders, while an order is the rank just below it between class and family. This picture is of a wood duck, which is in the class Aves and order Anseriformes. This picture demonstrates big idea one because it shows that there are many routes for evolution to affect in animals.
18. Big Idea 1: Animals: Class and Order
This picture shows a seagull, which is in the class Aves, but the order charadriiformes, which differs from the wood duck in order but not in class. This demonstrates big idea one by showing the many different avenues of animals and how they develop differently based on habitat.
19. Big Idea 1: Animals: Class and Order
The animal shown in this photograph is a type of sparrow, which is in the class Aves, but the order passeriformes, which is a sort of subcategory in the species. This picture demonstrates big idea one by showing that many different subspecies exist, which in turn reveals that evolution can affect one species in many different ways.
20. Big Idea 1: Animals: Class and Order
The animal depicted here (though not clearly shown) is a hawk, that could possibly be a gray hawk, which is in the class Aves, but the order Accipitriformes, which is a subcategory. This relates to big idea one because it shows how birds may develop to become predators or prey based on the evolutionary traits.
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