7. Detritovore (Uca pugnax): A detritovore is a heterotroph that feeds off of nonliving organisms. Here, the fiddler crab is decomposing the dead seagull. |
20. r-strategist (Acanthinucella punctulata): Species that are r selected have high growth rate and produce many offsping. The hermit crab produces lots of offspring so it is a r-strategist. |
18. Population (Paracheirodon innesi): A population is a group of individuals in the same given area at a given time. The picture shows the population of neon tetra living in the fish tank. |
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9. Introduced Species (Roystonea regia): An introduced species is a species living outside its native range. The royal palm is not native to Sacramento but instead introduced to the area. |
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3. Biome: A biome is a major terrestrial ecosystem. The biome of Carmichael is defined by a lot of trees and semi mild climate. |
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6. Competition (vinca minor): Competition is when two or more organisms compete over resources of a specific place. Here, the common periwinkle is taking the resources of other flowers. |
17. Pioneer Species (bryophyta): Pioneer species are the first growers of a previously uninhabitable environment. Moss are often pioneer species and start the nutrient cycle. |
8. Endosperm (Zea mays var. everta): An endosperm is a storage tissue inside to seeds of angiosperms. The popcorn revels the endosperm of corn. |