Monday, December 24, 2012


This is a gymnosperm cone. (Big Idea 1 #24). A gymnosperm is a vascular plant that has seeds not enclosed in  specialized chambers. There are two types of cones: pollen and ovulates. The pollen containing cones are smaller and the pollen would be carried by the wind. The cones containing ovulates are larger and would be fertilized by the pollen. This is a male pine cone because it was smaller than some other cones that were on the tree and was located near the top of the tree. I could also see the pollen on the ground around the pine cone.

These are the gymnosperm leaves. (Big Idea 1 #25).  These leaves are from a pine tree. The leaves of the gymnosperm are specialized to help the tree retain water even in harsh conditions. Some gymnosperm leaves are evergreens lasting more than one growing season. Some are deciduous and will die and fall off every season. Leaves vary from plant to plant; some are single bladed while some are clustered and fall in groups. They are also where photosynthesis occurs in the gymnosperms

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