Monday, December 31, 2012

48,49,50...differen alleles for the same trait,stromata,chordata

This photogenic gull is an example of a chordata(big idea 1 # 14). a chordata is any organism with a spinal chord with a hollow space inside for nervous tissue. The spinal chord is the centrlal signal transduction pathway of all chordata and is a unique type of nervos tissue, similar to that found in the brain. All mammals are chordata. (done with big idea 1!!!)
 this random snazzy plant demonstartes stomata(big idea 2 #33), the openings of a plant where water exits th plant and CO2 enters. around it are guard cells, which open and close the pore to preserve water. They are commonly located on the bottom side of the leaf becuase this does not have direct sun and less water will be drawn out(form fits function!   FFF!)
 thos roan cattle is an example of different alleles for the same trait(big idea 3#8). This cow is both red and white, a case of codominance  that shows the dominant and recessive alleles. these two colors are different phenotypes that express themselves in random locations on the body. for this set of alleles, possible outcomes are white, red, and roan(red and white)...(differet possibilties of this phenotype to follow later). happy new year friends

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