Sunday, January 20, 2013


This cut rose stem is an example of a phloem(Big Idea 2 #30). The phloem  of a plant is the section that is living and carries nutrients through out the plant. It is the inner most part of the plant,and transports the production of photosynthesis(sugars) throughout the plant. 

The ants on the leaf are an example of mutualism(Big Idea 4 #12). Mutualism is when two species interact to the benefit of both involved. In this case, the leaf provides a food source for the ant and the ant protects the leaf from any creatures that might chew holes through the leaves. Both parties involved benefit and not one is harmed. 

This bug moving is an example of taxis(Big Idea 2 #34). Taxis is directional movement based on a stimuli or intensity of a stimuli.  The water caused the bug to move away. Taxis will always result in a directional change of the organism's movement. 

This plant is undergoing meiosis (Big Idea 3#16). Meiosis is the division a cell to form 4 gamete cells. Meiosis is key and is required for offspring to be produced. The product of meiosis will allow for new plant to be fertilized and grow to form a sporophyte. 

This empty tree in the cold weather is an example of kinesis(Big Idea 2 #26). The temperature of the surrounding area has caused the action of the birds migrating to a warmer location. Kinesis is the movement on a organism based on stimuli, but not directional stimuli. The cold weather caused them to move out of the area, but not in a certain direction.
This is a example of predation (Big Idea 4 #18). The bird off in the distance is a hawk. A hawk is predator that will hunt mostly dead animals, but it will sometimes eat snakes and rats. It is a threat to other animals. It is the rank of the animal on the food chain that determines who is a predator and prey. Humans rest at the top of the chain being a predator to all. The hawk could be prey to a bigger bird or humans. 

This unique type of moss is a haploid(Big Idea 3 #6). A haploid is a "n" organism and is unable to divide its cells any more. It is a gametophyte that will produce gametes that can join together and form a zygote and a sporophyte. It is part of the alternation of generation cycle that some plants undergo.

This is an example of mitosis (Big Idea 3 #15). My lemon tree is undergoing mitosis to grow its branches.  Mitosis is cellular replication. DNA is copied and a the existing cells breaks apart and the copy of DNA separates to form a new cell. At the end of the process two identical cell have been formed.

This is a pollinator (Big Idea 3 #18).  This bee will land of this flower and carry pollen to other flowers fertilizing them. The movement of pollen for the anthers to the stigma is how all flowers are pollinated.  The pollienizer is the source of the pollen. Other examples are deer, they have pollen on their bodies that then moves to other plants.

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